Way of life

Way of life

As a child, when it was time for Quaid-e-Azam to go to school, his father said to him: Look, son! There are two ways to learn something. He asked Baba! What is that? The father said, "One is to trust the intellect of your elders and follow their advice." Quaid-e-Azam asked: And what is the other way? The Quaid-e-Azam listened attentively and decided that he would learn from his mistakes and go his own way. But not everyone is Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is better to take advantage of the experiences of adults than to make mistakes and stumble in finding a way. Abdul Salam Salami has written a useful book on the subject. He writes about living skills.
After primary school, secondary school or secondary school is the third and most important stage of a child's educational life. At this age, his consciousness is reaching a very early stage of maturity. Changes are taking place in his body and mind. A flood of excitement overwhelms his personality. This period of adolescence brings with it many educational, social and psychological problems.
At this stage, young people need a sympathetic person whom they can trust and who can give them sympathetic advice on how to solve problems. In this age of adolescence, lack of timely and proper guidance and advice can lead to some confusion in the personality of young people which can lead to difficulties in practical life and sometimes failure.
Salami says the student should find the answer to the question of what profession to pursue in practical life after the twelfth grade. Most young people do not make this decision consciously, but they are driven by the current of the situation. It may be a profession that suits a young person's abilities, education and physical inclinations, but it may also be that he or she may not find a job that suits him or her and then this job will cause him or her mental and physical discomfort.The fact is that if the work is not interesting then the human body and mind very quickly loses its energy. That is why choosing a profession is an important decision and for a young person who intends to pursue further education after the twelfth grade, it is important that he has a clear mind about his future profession. At this stage, when he is making a decision about his future career, he needs guidance. There are institutions in Western countries that provide this guidance and help students in career planning. There is no such formal institution in Pakistan but individual efforts have been made.
Abdul Salam Salami has worked specifically on this topic. A book on career planning or future life planning was published in Urdu about 23 years ago. Later some other books of the same series were also published. A recent attempt at living skills has focused on the importance of future career choices, the usefulness of schooling, the testing of personal interest in careers, best learning practices and adolescent issues. There are articles featuring expert advice on how to deal with it.
Muhammad Bashir Juma said that in order to decide which profession could be better for a young student, first of all his mental and physical abilities have to be examined. An example of this is that if you have poor eyesight, you cannot become a pilot. At the same time, it has to be checked whether his education is suitable for his chosen profession or not. Then we have to look at its physical tendency to see which way it is. This is especially important because some tasks seem easy because they are interesting and some difficult. "The difficult and easy game is the result of our personal interest," Juma said.V
Variousaspects of career planning have been highlighted in Living Skills. The benefits are significant for both young students and their parents. There are exercises that are very helpful in choosing a profession or career. For example, experts have divided the different professions of the world into 16 groups.
The book lists them and a preliminary review form can be used to find out which career you are interested in. Young students can consider choosing their subjects for the next stage of education in the light of the results of this review and in the light of their previous exam results. Careers or occupations include Arts, Architecture, Business Management and Administration, Education, Finance, Government Administration, Health, Tourism, Information Technology, Law, Industry and Marketing. Can be done
A similar exercise is suggested to find out what skills you have, ie what work you learn because of your hobbies and interests, what you enjoy doing, and then you get into it. You want people to recognize your skills. In addition to facilitating career and career choices through useful career planning advice and practical exercises, an important chapter in this book is about the changes and confusions of adolescence. This is a case involving teenage boys and girls and their parents.
Abdul Salam Salami says adolescents have important and difficult times in their lives, their bodies and minds are changing and since the vast majority of adolescents do not get proper information and guidance about emotional changes and unconscious desires. Therefore, they suffer from severe confusion and anxiety. Parents, on the other hand, are also troubled by their children's condition. Due to social attitudes and traditions, most parents do not talk to their children about this subject even if they want to, and the children do not have the courage to ask any question to the parents or any elder in the house.
Dr. Afshin Noor's article on this issue in the art of living is also noteworthy. Some practical suggestions have been made by Salami and the statement made by Hakim Abdul Hanan on sex education of the youth is also noteworthy in this regard. Way of life Living Skills is a very useful book for teenage students and their parents, published by Qalam Dost (Post Box 11002) from Karachi.

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