Keep an eye on the destination at every stage of academic life.

Different individuals and organizations have different definitions of "career", one definition is "career" is the continuity of different opportunities for education, employment and leisure that affects your work throughout the ages. ۔ '' The following factors should be considered in order to succeed in the professional stage (career) of life: Appropriate educational background Extensive knowledge of skills Knowledge of new technology Ability to accept change Here are some key steps in finding a career: Personal review A personal review or self-assessment requires detailed knowledge of the following aspects of your personality: (Interests) Skills and abilities Preferences Experience Work values Passion or movement Familiarity with different professions Learn about the work world.

Do research on different professions and industries Gather information about different professions from individuals and publications (newspapers / magazines / books). Keep writing information points in a notebook. If there are articles in newspapers or magazines or on the Internet, keep a photocopy or printout of them in a file. Selection of important subjects during education Find out through personal research and diagnostic reviews of personal interests Keep an eye on the destination at every stage of academic life What has this got to do with professions? Compare and if there is any contradiction between them, put it in front. The main subject you have chosen for education is your personal interests,According to skills and preferences?  

Career preparation Participate in school (and later college / university) societies / clubs and other activities. Do an internship at a company or business, or teach as an assistant teacher in a classroom. Work (job or business) during the summer holidays. Volunteer as a volunteer in your neighborhood or community organization.

Volunteering. External Ship__ ie see a professional working in his or her workplace for a short period of time (also called 'job shading'). INTERVIEWER INTERVIEW __ Talk to a few people working in the profession you're interested in about job opportunities, responsibilities, advantages and disadvantages.

Career preparation Participate in school (and later college / university) societies / clubs and other activities. Do an internship at a company or business, or teach as an assistant teacher in a classroom. Work (job or business) during the summer holidays. Volunteer as a volunteer in your neighborhood or community organization.

Volunteering. External Ship__ ie see a professional working in his or her workplace for a short period of time (also called 'job shading'). INTERVIEWER INTERVIEW __ Talk to a few people working in the profession you're interested in about job opportunities, responsibilities, advantages and disadvantages.

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