Banking is an interesting, versatile and very active sector

Banking is an interesting, versatile and very active sector

Banking or banking is an interesting, versatile and very active sector, which is of interest to young people interested in financial matters and transactions. The most important function of a bank is to manage the accounts of the account holders, keep an account of them, exchange money, provide coins and notes and provide loans to the people as per their need. In addition to these services, banks provide foreign exchange to citizens, provide travel checks, arrange mortgages, act as trustees and trustees on behalf of their account holders, and provide advice on all types of financial matters. They also collect bank, electricity, gas, telephone and other bills in Pakistan.

There is a network of bank branches all over the country. Each branch of the bank is a complete unit in its place which caters to the needs of local account holders with the help of its staff. Bank account holders include individuals, partners and industrial and business entities. In addition to local branches, banks also have international divisions and branches affiliated with companies and institutions in the world's major financial / business cities. These foreign branches invest in international trade, deal in the foreign exchange market, exchange money from one country to another, and make payments in various world currencies.

Overseas branches of Pakistani banks are an important source of remittances for overseas Pakistanis. Commercial banks specialize in providing businesses with the services they need. These banks provide advice to commercial / business entities on various financial matters including capital issues, financial structure, monetization, takeover and merger matters. Other activities of commercial banks include gold transactions, shipping, insurance broking, trading of commodities and registration of shares.

Nature of work 

From a small branch of a bank to its headquarters, every bank has an administrative structure in which people of all levels and abilities work together, from the gunman to the head of the bank. A branch of a bank is the most important and practical unit of any bank and is a fundamental element of the banking structure. In a branch of a bank, the branch manager is the head of the branch who along with his team of officers and other subordinate staff takes care of the interests of his account holders and his bank and provides banking services.

Bank Manager / Branch Manager 

The Branch Manager is aware of the financial needs of his account holders and provides them with necessary advice and assistance. A good and active manager is not always present in his branch but spends half of his time in meetings with business people and discussing financial matters with them. The main task of a branch manager is to run his branch without any hindrance, profitably and to make important decisions about providing loans. The bank's main branch takes care of the city's major and major account holders. Larger branches have more staff, depending on the number of account holders and financial status, including management specialists.These officers make decisions about large loans, discover new ways to grow the bank's business, and provide expert advice on the financial affairs of their account holders.

 The nature of work varies slightly from small town to town branches. These branches are also understaffed and the services provided to account holders are limited.

Providing a loan is one of the most important tasks of a bank, whether the loan amount is small or large. , Gets reasonable guarantees. In addition to branch managers, banks also have specialist managers who provide specialized services to specific account holders in a particular administrative or financial sector, based in their headquarters or zonal offices. These include trusteeship, investment arrangements and tax matters.

Personal characteristics

Honesty and a sense of responsibility are the basic characteristics of the banking profession. An interest in arithmetic and statistics is essential. Because the profession involves people from all walks of life, it is important to have the ability to communicate and express yourself clearly. Humor, good manners and good manners can make banking popular among account holders and colleagues. Gentlemen with good manners, good taste and good manners are successful in dealing with bank managers, major branches and large account holders at the headquarters

Work environment

Bank branches are of different types where different working environment is found. Branches located in major commercial, business centers of major cities are spacious, clean, equipped with computers, automated machines and equipment. There are counters for account holders and staff provide services behind a glass wall. Automatic cameras, alarms and other devices are installed for security arrangements. In small towns or cities the branch area is less and the staff is eight to ten people while in remote areas the staff of the bank branch is limited to three or four people and hence the branch is shorter. Where the luxury and convenience of big cities can not be imagined.

Banks have branches all over the country and abroad, so officers and employees can be assigned away from home. Coordination between branch officers and staff is essential for the successful operation of a bank branch. Because banking is a sector that serves people, there is a need for good humor and good communication.

Eligibility for admission and educational institutions 

Graduation is the basic qualification to enter the banking sector as an officer. Preference is given to youngsters who have obtained B.Com degree from Commerce Colleges. Like the growing trend of competition in other professions, the competition in banking is also becoming tougher day by day. Preference is given to first division graduates throughout their academic careers. It is important for a young person entering the banking sector not to fail at any stage of his / her academic life.

There are more than 25 commerce education colleges in Pakistan. 1. Haley College of Commerce, Lahore 2. Islamia College of Commerce, Lahore 3. Hashmi Memorial College of Commerce, Lahore 4. Municipal Committee College of Commerce, 5. Sachal Sarmast College of Commerce, Hyderabad 6. Sindh Government Commerce College, Hyderabad 7. People's Government Commerce College, Karachi 8. Government College of Commerce and Economics, 9. Islamia Commerce College, Karachi, Karachi 10. Islamia Commerce College, Sukkur 11. Sindh Muslim Commerce College, Karachi 12. Government College of Commerce, Peshawar 13. Quaid-e-Azam Commerce College, Peshawar 14. Government College of Commerce, Abbottabad 15. Government College of Commerce Dera 16. Federal Government College of Commerce, Islamabad Ismail Khan, 18. Government College of Commerce, Multan 17. Government College of Commerce, Sargodha 19. Government College of Commerce,20. Government College of Commerce, Kohat 21. Government College of Commerce, Rawalpindi 22. Government Commercial College, Bannu 23. Government College of Commerce Thana 24. Government Commerce College, Chitral 25. Government Commerce College, Mardan

Training program In the banking sector, young people are recruited as trainee officers. After being selected as a trainee officer, the officers have to undergo at least 3 years of training in the training centers set up by the banks. This training takes place in different stages. Here they are taught important subjects such as accounting, banking law, economics and foreign exchange law. This training is slightly different from normal college education and the teaching method is mostly inclusive, ie trained and trainees learn and teach from each other together, thus only from what is written in the books. There is an opportunity to understand new trends and new ideas.

The training program also provides practical training in various branches and offices of banks. Here, too, the effort is made for the trainee officer to observe something for himself and to face the difficulties presented in the practical field so that he can also be trained to deal with it. This training program includes simple tasks such as issuing tokens, filing documents and various types of clerical work. That is why after completing the training, when an officer is posted in a regular branch, he considers himself worthy that he will be able to make his journey on the path of development together with his seniors.

Facilities and salaries

 The banking industry in Pakistan has been operating under the public sector since it was nationalized. With job security, people in this profession have easy installment soft loans for housing and other personal needs, family medical treatment, annual and other public holidays, and retirement benefits.

Prospects for development Banking is a technical profession.

 After taking up this profession, some stages of development are completed with satisfactory performance and experience, but in order to go further, it is necessary to pass special examinations in the field of banking. The banking industry in Pakistan was taken into national custody in January 1974 but now under the privatization policy the banks are being handed over to the private sector which is in the public sector. Other personal needs include easy installment loans, family medical treatment, annual and other public holidays and retirement benefits. Attractive salaries and benefits are also offered in private and foreign banks and other financial institutions.


There are currently several commercial banks operating in Pakistan. Among them 1. Habib Bank Limited 2. National Bank of Pakistan 3. United Bank Limited 4. Muslim Commercial Bank 5. Allied Bank of Pakistan 6. Bank of Punjab Limited 7. First Women Bank 8. Prime Bank 9. Indus Bank 10. Mehran Bank 11. Bolan Bank 12. Bank Al Habib Limited 13. Soneri Bank 14. Military Commercial Bank 15. Bank of Khyber 16. Union Bank 17. Al-Tawfiq Bank. Apart from these commercial banks, the Agricultural Development Bank and the Industrial Development Bank are also playing an important role in the national economy. Apart from banks, financial institutions such as NDFC, NIT, National Savings Institution, PACK, ICP, RDFC, etc. also serve in the banking sector.

Applications are invited from young graduates for probationary officers in these banks. Apart from national banks, various branches of various foreign banks are operating in Pakistan. These banks also cater to the needs of their staff locally in addition to a few key management positions, but usually offer employment to people with good banking experience. For more information on the banking profession, contact the following institutions:1 Institute of Bankers in Pakistan2.Pakistan Banking Council 3.Muslim Commercial Bank Habib Bank Plaza II Chandragar Road, Karachi Adam G House II Chandragar Road, Karachi 4 United Bank Limited Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan Road Karachi II Chandragar Road. Karachi 5 National Bank of Pakistan 6 Allied Bank of Pakistan II Chandragar Road Karachi II Chandragar Road, Karachi 7 Habib Bank Limited 8 Women's Bank Habib Bank Plaza, II Chandragar Road, Karachi Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan Road, Karachi 9Bank of Punjab, Lahore

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