Three ways to learn

We use three main methods to obtain information, to understand the information we receive, and to use it to solve problems:



۔Touch *

Three ways to learn

Everyone uses the same methods to learn, but everyone has a different style. Some people learn by listening, some by watching and some by touching.

1۔ Learners by listening:If you are are learners by listening, you understand and remember what you have heard better than others.

Learners by Listening

The information that comes through the conversations or voices of others is stored in your mind and you understand and memorize the instructions better by 'listening' to them than by 'written' instructions. You often read aloud because you need to listen to them aloud to understand them. When learners are bored, they usually murmur or start talking to themselves or others. Other people may be think that you are not paying attention to what they are saying, but you are listening and understanding everything they say.

How to increase capacity Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items Sit in a place where the sound is clear. Keep checking your hearing ability and get tested by a specialist when needed. Use flash cards to learn new words, read aloud and repeat the words written on them. Read newspapers, stories, college / school work or instructions aloud. Record the spelling of words (new) and then listen to this recording. Read the test questions aloud. Read aloud new new text or new lessons. Remember that in order to learn well, it is important that you not only see things, but also listen.

2. Learners by watching:If you learn by watching, you learn better by reading or looking at pictures. The image of what you are learning is imprinted in your mind and the first or basic way of learning is to 'see' and 'learn'.

Learners by watching

Visual learners are generally clean. You close your's eyes to remember things & imagine them in your mind. If you are bored, engage yourself in looking at something. Spoken instructions can be difficult for you to understand & sounds can easily distract you. You like color and picture stories.

How to increase capacity To improve your ability to 'learn by sight', follow these tips: Try to sit in the front or front rows of the class. Get your eyes checked every year. Use the flash card to learn new words. Try to visualize in your imagination things that such as the sound of running water or that you are reading about. Write the key words, ideas, article or instructions of the lesson . Draw a picture or sketch to explain a new concept and then explain it. Give things a color code. Do not let distractions distract you from memorizing lessons or studying. Remember that in order to learn well, you need to see things, not just listen.

3.Learners by touching:Then you learn things better by their touch or by doing things yourself. You remember the physical movement of objects & things & you understand them. You understand better by touching things with your hands, lifting them, moving them, making them or drawing or sketching what you have learned. You can quickly & easily learn tasks that involve an activity.

Learners by Touching

You need to be physically active and active. You also need to take breaks. When you speak, you use your hands and gestures and it is difficult for you to sit down for a long time. The 'learners' open things up (such as toys) and break them into pieces and then try to put them together. When you get 'bored' (bored) you start moving around. You can have strong body qualities & you can work in a coordinated manner.

You remember well what you do with your hands, but it is difficult to remember what you have heard (lessons / instructions) or what you have seen (lesson text / objects). You are often happier when you touch and convey your message to others and when others compliment you on the back, such as patting you on the back.

How to increase capacity Do lots of handicrafts, such as art projects, walking exercises or dramatizing stories. There is nothing wrong with swinging back, walking and forth in a chair, chewing gum while studying or reading. Arrange the flash cards in such a way that your thoughts come out with pictures or words to give a clear shape to the thoughts and ideas. Finger on the letters of the word to memorize the spelling of the words. Take short breaks while reading or memorizing lessons or reading. These intervals should not be long. There is nothing wrong with playing with a Pencil,,moving your hands or moving your feet while learning.

Use a mobile/computer to memorize well the the text (type lessons, essays, key points of the text on the computer). Remember that you learn better by doing things yourself than by just reading or listening. Do lots of handicrafts, such as art projects, walking exercises or dramatizing stories.

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