

Students who pass the Intermediate examination in Pre-Medical are eligible for admission in Medical Colleges who have obtained higher marks than the marks fixed on the basis of open merit or quota. Upon completion of the five-year syllabus of the medical college, young graduates are awarded MBBS Sindh which is the basic qualification to work in the field of medicine. On an average, 5,000 doctors graduate from medical colleges in Pakistan every year. In terms of population, there is a shortage of doctors in the country, but because of the facilities, income and development opportunities in the cities, most doctors prefer to work in the cities.

Due to the concentration in the cities, there is fierce competition in the medical profession and only those who have any additional qualifications, specific skills and experience in addition to the basic qualifications of MBBS can be successful. The effects of rapid advances in science and technology are also felt in the field of medicine. Due to continuous research and exploration, the branches of medicine have also increased and due to this increase, the importance of specialization has increased. Holders are also working.We do not have this pace of development, but it does have a small impact, and it is certain that anyone who wants to make progress in the field of medicine will not have to settle for MBBS, but will have a high degree of medicine. Education and specialization in one field. This article tries to make young doctors aware of the basics of planning for the future after MBBS. There are two ways for young people who are pursuing an MBBS degree from a medical college to become general practitioners and open a clinic in a suitable area or a hospital with a small amount of money. Take a job.The second way is to get higher education. Due to the large number of doctors in the cities, these two routes are difficult but not impossible.

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