Agriculture and allied occupations

Agriculture & allied occupations
Agriculture and related occupations are not just a source of employment, they are a way of life. Whether it's dealing with farms, caring for animals, or dealing with flowers and plants, every sector is a world where the only people who can succeed are those who work from 9am to 5pm Encourage you to carry out your professional responsibilities at any time of the day or night and in any season with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The future of agriculture and allied professions in Pakistan is very bright. Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. The total area of ​​the country is 128.57838 hectares. Out of which 79.61 million hectares are agricultural lands and forests.The forest area is 2.89 million hectares. 560,000 hectares of agricultural land is what can be cultivated at present but only 41 million hectares of it is being cultivated. There are more than 34.86 million hectares of agricultural land that can be used for agricultural purposes. This review shows how promising the future of agriculture in Pakistan is.According to the 1980 agricultural census, at that time more than 4260,000 families in the country, with a total workforce of more than 297.5 million, were engaged in farming activities on an area of ​​2630,000 hectares. During this period, 1.96 million families, comprising 1.27 million people, were engaged in livestock farming. This manpower is 70% of the total population of the country. Directly and indirectly, more than 80% of the country's population earns a living from agricultural activities. Given the extraordinary importance of agriculture in national life, significant efforts have been made to develop the sector and to meet the need for educated agricultural experts, from secondary school level to university level PhD education. And teaching arrangements have been made.

In the selected madrassas of the country, agrotechnical curriculum is taught at the secondary level so that the students at the secondary level can get acquainted with the basics of agriculture and the students who are interested in this field can start mentally preparing for their future. There are facilities for education up to BSc (Hons) MSc and PhD in Agriculture at University and College level. Domestically, three agricultural universities, one faculty of agriculture, four agricultural colleges and one forest institute are meeting the educational needs.

We can divide agriculture and allied occupations into the following areas: 

1. Agriculture: Problems of agricultural lands, increase in yield per crop of crops, adoption of modern methods of cultivation, use of agricultural equipment, machinery, production of good seeds, measures against pests damaging crops, treatment of plant diseases. In the field of agriculture, matters relating to the delivery of produce to the market and obtaining a good price for it, and so on.2. Animal Care: This area covers breeding of animals, their diseases, methods of raising cattle and their care, animal feeding and surgery of sick or injured animals. 3. Plant Growth and Decoration: In this field, decorative flowers, plants, trees, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and landscaping and tissue culture are taught. 4. Forestry: This includes matters related to pastures and forests such as plant and tree characteristics and management of forests and hunting areas. In addition to forests, there are several sub-sectors of the three major sectors of agriculture, the details of which are given below. At the same time, it has been stated to what extent education is imparted in this field in Pakistan.And how to get maximum yield from minimum land. Aspiring candidates can study from B.Sc (Hons) to Ph.D. 2. Entomology: In this field, introduction of insects that harm plants and fruits and various pesticides for their eradication are taught. In addition, rearing of bees, lac insects and silkworms is also taught. It can be studied from BSc Honors to PhD. 3. Plant Pathology: The field of agriculture in which all kinds of plant diseases and their prevention are taught. It offers education up to PhD.4. Soil Science: This department offers PhD on Fertilization of Color, Noise and Bean Affected Areas, Analysis of Soils of Different Fields in Laboratories, Analysis of Water for Irrigation and Organic and Inorganic Ingredients as per Plant Requirements. Teaches 5. Plant Breeding and Genetics: The field of agriculture in which the genetic characteristics of plants (ornamental plants, cash crops, etc.) are studied and new varieties are introduced, some yield more and some diseases and drought. Has immunity against Sally. It also offers education up to PhD.6. Agricultural Economics: In this field, education is given on agricultural problems, economic problems, their understanding and solution. In addition, the acquisition, supply, utilization and planning of agricultural loans and economic reviews and policies are made by the agro-economist. There are four departments in which education up to PhD is given. 2. Agri-cultural economics. Agricultural Marketing 2. Cooperation and Credit 2. Farm Management. 7. Agri Extension: In this field, education is imparted to the farmers in the field of agricultural research. So that they can get maximum productivity by adopting modern sciences. MSc (Hons) is offered in this field.8. Agri-Cultural Engineering and Technology: It includes basic engineering education, teaching on maintenance and use of latest agricultural implements as well as prevention of wastage of irrigation water and maximum utilization. Education is given. It provides (i) Department of Basic Engineering (ii) Department of Agricultural Machinery and Education. 9. Fiber Technology: In this field, education is given up to MSc (Hons) on wool, cotton, properties of synthetic fibers, fibrous plants and their quality.10. Food Technology: This sector deals with preserving vegetables and fruits, fruit products (syrup, squash, pickles, sauces, jams, jellies), milk and dairy products, preserving meat and other food related issues. Education is provided up to PhD. Sub-sectors of animal care The following areas are related to animal care. All these fields are taught from BSc (Hons) to PhD.

1. Animal Breeding and Genetics: This field provides education on animal genocide, animal heredity and hereditary diseases. Thanks to this, high breeds of animals are produced. 2. Poultry Husbandry: In this field, the birds and hens kept on the farm are taught to get maximum production at low cost, to take care of them on scientific basis and to protect them from diseases and to hatch the eggs. ۔ 3. Livestock Management: This department includes the care of animals kept on all types of farms and proper management of the products obtained from them.4. Animal Nutrition: The purpose is to prescribe a diet for all animals that meets all the needs of the animal body. It teaches the metabolism of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats. 5. Veterinary Anatomy: This field studies the internal and external structure of all animals from the cell to the whole body. 6. Physiology and Pharmacology: The functions of different organs of the animal body, composition of medicines, quantity and method of medicine, effect, source of medicine are taught. 7. Parasitology: The study of internal and external parasites found in all animals, their way of entering the body, life cycle, treatment and effect on the body.

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