Hurry up in marriage

Hurry up in marriage

Hurry up in mairrage

According to the religion of Allah, marriage in Islam isn't as difficult because it's been made. Today our desires and expectations have increased most that we do not want to compromise on any issue anywhere. Whether it is the variety of a boy or a woman, whether it's qualification, income or its establishment means family. The boy should be no but a family hero, no quite 25 years old and earn enough money. If a woman wants to be a maiden, her qualifications mustn't be but that of a doctor or an engineer. On the selection hand, the conditions of the world have reached here Today's obscenity is at its height. Adultery has become common. Not only the important but also the eyes, the ears, the hands and thus the generalizers of today's parents who, in search of the only real, brought their young children to the aim where today they require to make their girlfriends boyfriends. We have no concept of it in our religion and our Islamic society doesn't allow us to undertake to thereto. Today our children are receiving co-education. We didn't impose any restrictions on them, we didn't give them the knowledge of religion, fear of Allah and piety, then what should they're doing. Even if some parents realize this need of their children at the beginning, they're content with their engagement. While there is not any concept of engagement in Islam. Then why will we become carefree by engaging children and push them towards an illegitimate relationship? One of the foremost important reasons for the increasing age of marriage of children today is that the engagements which are shifting after two, two to 5, five years. the reasons could even be many but it's impractical to mention them yet. The result's that the age of marriage passes and thus the demand increases. Because when your children should eat to satisfy their hunger, so as that they have this pure relationship to satisfy their emotions. Which we'd not have given them for no reason. the result is what we see today. When Allah has ordained sustenance for a woman, whatever you're doing, your children will get what's in their destiny. On the other hand, another big problem in our society is that we do not want to adopt people that have had someone before in their life. he isn't able to conjoin in any case. no matter what proportion this man needs, he can commit zina but not another marriage. In this society, a divorced, widowed, runway or two or three married people have the identical right to live with their heads held high as a well-to-do spouse or one young man. the easy principle of relinquishing this responsibility in Shari'ah is that before establishing a relationship, one should do many Istikharah, do an intensive investigation, trust Allah, settle the matter here, unite and send it here. Believe that your child has grown up some years ago.And no matter how much money he earns, he who can afford his girlfriend's expenses will surely support his wife.Please make marriage normal and stop adultery. Here children are adults, here they're introduced to their joints. whether or not the age is barely 15 years. Especially for a lady. In the West, when 11, 12 year olds can address live together, then why bother to practice our religion. Think, God think and re-evaluate Get yourself out of this sentence of what people will say. Society is made from people's actions. And this can be what people want. you merely can't dare. If you dare, people will join you. May God bless all our kids. Amen that meeting is that the identical as being is what Allah has written in their books.

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