For the first time in American history, women have been appointed to senior positions.

In the White House, Biden's media team is made up of women

For the first time in U.S. history, President-elect Joe Biden has shocked many in the White House press by appointing women to all positions. Some veterans of the Obama administration are said to be leading the new administration's communications team. Experts have also been included. In this regard, US President Joe Biden said, "I am proud to announce today that for the first time, the White House Senior Communications Team is made up entirely of women.

These capable and experienced communicators have different perspectives on their work and their common aspirations for the reconstruction of this country. ”Biden's Transition Team The choice is made up of diverse, experienced and talented women and reflects the incoming president's commitment to "creating an administration that looks like the United States and working families." Be prepared to be fruitful from day one.

However, four of the seven women nominated belong to the black community. In the Obama administration, Jennifer Psaki was the director of communications at the White House, and Joe Biden has long nominated her for the post of press secretary. Jennifer Psaki said in a tweet, "This team is made up of some of the best talent, including experienced experienced communicators, all of whom are women."

The most diverse team, six of which are mothers of young children. " Kate has worked with him in the same position. Simon Sanders, a senior adviser to the Biden team, will serve as the chief spokesman for newly elected Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden's former press secretary Elizabeth Alexander will be the next US first lady Jill Biden's communications director. The team also includes Karen Durran Pryor and Ashley Etienne, who will serve as principal vice press secretaries at the White House, and Ashley as communicative director of newly elected Vice President Camillaheris. Will have.

Biden's campaign communications director, Pelli Tuber, has been appointed deputy communications director at the White House. No approval required. The Trump administration also included a number of women, including a press secretary and a press director, but Biden's team has tried to diversify as well as bring the press to the White House.

The Trump administration has taken a press-fighting stance, often targeting the media during press briefings. Hope to do too. However, under President Trump, it seemed that he must have had a problem with women.

Not only did she have problems with suburban women, but with women of all ages, races and educational backgrounds. Recent polls suggest that not all women's groups are as supportive of Trump as they were in the 2016 election. Women have been keeping a distance from Republican presidential candidates for decades since the 1980s. Therefore, what is happening to them gender-wise at the moment is that the 2020 elections are a continuation of the same long-running movement.

According to polls in the 2016 election, the gender gap between Trump and Hillary Clinton was 13 points. The Democracy Fund and the UCLA Nation Space Project interviewed more than 100,000 Americans between June 2020 and October 22. On average, the gender gap between the two political parties was 13 points in terms of registered votes. There was a minimum of 8 points and a maximum of 16 points.

The simple reason for this difference is that most men are Republicans and most women are Democrats. To find out how the 2020 election campaign went, you can look at any electoral group. Men and women, Independent, suburban men and women, people over the age of 65 were less likely to support Trump than in 2016. This trend was also seen in rural voters in the United States.

NationSpace data shows that Americans living in rural areas fell six points away from Trump, down from 66 percent to 60 percent, while support among women fell from 54 percent to 50 percent. The data also shows electoral differences among Republicans. Compared to Democrats' Joe Biden rate, Donald Trump's own party did not have the support it had in the 2016 election.

In an interview with NationSpace, 94% of Republicans were heard to say they voted for Trump in the 2016 election. In 2020, the rate dropped to 91 percent. Among Republican women, the rate dropped from 92 percent to 90 percent.Guess how a record number of women and men turned out to vote for Biden.

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