Leading social and messaging mobile application WhatsApp has denied all rumors about the privacy policy and assured that privacy will be ensured. It should be noted that since the change in WhatsApp's privacy policy, users around the world have been criticizing WhatsApp, so now WhatsApp has declared all these things as rumors.
According to WhatsApp, there is no end to 'end-to-end encryption' of messages if you read the new privacy, and it is stated that conversations between two people cannot be viewed by a third person or entity, including WhatsApp. ۔ ' "WhatsApp protects users' private chats and data," said a tweet from WhatsApp's Twitter account.
An explanatory tweet from WhatsApp states that "WhatsApp has no access to chats and calls made on WhatsApp, nor to any other application, especially Facebook." It also said that "WhatsApp groups will remain private while the location will have nothing to do with Facebook."
The statement from WhatsApp also said that "the change in privacy policy will not affect the privacy of users." Note that WhatsApp has announced a new privacy policy, according to which WhatsApp users will be able to share information with third parties, including Facebook. Will Cathcart, the head of WhatsApp, said yesterday that even after the new policy, WhatsApp is safe for users and says that Facebook cannot read 'chat'.
He said the new policy aims to be more transparent with consumers and make the People to Business feature more clear, as about 175 million people send messages to business accounts and more people daily on the WhatsApp. I want to do that."In terms of privacy,We have competition from others,which is great for the world. People have a choice about how they want to communicate and they have to be confident that no one else can see their messages," he said. Some people, including some governments, disagree.