Air pollution in Pakistan

Air pollution in Pakistan

According to statistics, 135,000 people lose their lives every year in Pakistan due to air pollution.

According to the annual report of the Air Quality Index, Pakistan ranks second in the world in terms of average air pollution in 2019. It is noteworthy that Pakistan has surpassed its neighbors India and China, which have six times the population.

Pakistan's air quality index rating is 10.6 which is 6 times higher than the limit set by the World Health Organization. Punjab province is particularly affected by this fall. A city like Lahore is shrouded in polluted air and fog in winter. There are many causes of smog, such as diesel smoke from trucks, buses and trains, burning of crop residues, brick kilns and coal-fired power plants, and rickshaws and motorbikes with double-stroke engines. What is the threshold?

The lack of air purifier filters in factory chimneys is also exacerbating the problem. Air pollution has negatively affected the lives of citizens in one way or another. According to statistics, 135,000 people are exposed to air in Pakistan every year. They have lost their lives due to pollution. At the same time, the life expectancy in Pakistan has been reduced to 40 months or five years.

Smog contains PM, which is a particulate matter that affects the respiratory system. If it is 10PM, it is not as harmful as it can cause respiratory tract infections. Because of the small hose, it can enter the bloodstream from the lungs and damage the lungs and heart. The air contains toxic chemicals such as zinc, magnesium, selenium and copper. Slight effects of smog include irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, cough, shortness of breath, chest and head pain, nausea and pneumonia.

At the same time, cancer is on the rise due to the above harmful substances. Living in such an environment on a permanent basis has a negative impact on the development of children. Recent research has also shown that increasing pollution Cardiovascular and lung diseases have increased.

It is also causing genetic changes. Rising pollution has further weighed on Pakistan's weakened economy of 47 47.8 billion, which is more than 5.88 percent of Pakistan's GDP. Should not be reduced. Travel should not be done unnecessarily. Especially the elderly and children should not be allowed to go out at all.

Air purifiers in public places and homes should be halved. Citizens should also exercise caution in such situations. However, the public can also campaign in the media to force the government to take drastic action, while the public reaction in South Korea. Today, due to government measures, the world's second most polluted air is the most transparent air today. We all have to show responsibility to get out of the current state of the country's atmosphere.

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