Online classes and issues

If the best developed and world famous universities of developed countries have not started online classes then how can the universities of developing countries like Pakistan which cannot run without loans run online classes.
Online classes and issues
Like other countries around the world, when the corona virus began to set foot in Pakistan, the government of the day decided to lock down along with other security measures! The lockdown
began with educational institutions and all private and public educational institutions were closed. All the public and private universities of the country decided to continue the educational activities of the students and started online classes which was a commendable and commendable initiative but on the other hand it is important to understand that before making decisions and initiatives It is also important to keep in mind your resources and the system, as there is an endless tradition in this country that only steps are taken, even if the result is zero.
Online class policy makers are people who have access to modern internet facilities such as fiber optics and live in large and developed cities. Don't policy makers know who we are enforcing this system on? Don't you know that sixty (60) percent of the student population in educational institutions come from rural areas and small towns where there is no internet access? Is our education administration unaware that any new system is tested in a limited area before it can be run, but online classes have not been tested before, so how can one think that a The new and unfamiliar system will be useful for inexperienced students.
On the other hand, if the best and developed universities in the developed world have not started online classes, then how can the universities of a developing country like Pakistan, which cannot run without loans, run online classes? Which magic wand do you have? They! There is a famous saying, "Spread your feet as wide as a sheet." When we do not have a modern online system, then what is the use of taking such measures? These measures are only for students from big cities to live in big cities. Is the administration using modern facilities only to exploit rural students?
It has been almost a month since the online classes started. Did the administration try to find out what difficulties the students are going through but what is the purpose of the administration for this? 
Since I myself am a student of the Department of Communication at the University of the Punjab and am part of this online system, and come from a rural area, I know what difficulties I am facing.

 To take online classes here, sometimes on the roof, sometimes in the streets and sometimes in the ground, so that the internet service is better, but the result of such humiliation and hardship remains zero.
This problem is not only mine but also of thousands of students like me. In case of lockdown, people are forced to eat two meals a day. Hardly five per cent would have come here. A better solution to this problem could have been thought of, but there is still time. The administration and the government of the day should dismantle this online system. Is exploited.
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